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online concept solutions new business concepts
Creative solutions to meet your objectives.

Do you want to stand out from the competiton? Sites nowadays are becoming more generic because they are built on platforms rather than hard coded, so the opportunity is there to make a difference. Alternatively you may just need more sales, or a way to gather data, demonstrate a USP, retain customers or to reactivate or acquire new ones. We can also provide solutions for any specific issues or integrated into other marketing channels.

Whether a direct customer or confidentially to the trade our combined experience will ensure any project as part of the 'big picture' not a purely stand alone solution. Assessing motives internally, externally, from both customer and business persepectives and with a view to opportunities to integrate with other channels and develop on into the future.

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previously known as Decifer Solutions Ltd.
Concepts & strategies © Design Sense/The Interactive Business Enterprise Ltd. 1993-2016. All rights reserved..